Adjinakou: Also known as Agaou l'éphant. The elephant mystère.
Adya Houn'tò: Loa that mounts the drums by a process called "àdya".
Agassou: Also known as Ati-A-Sou. Guardian loa of the Dahomean traditions. Aspects include Agassou-Allah-Da, Attiassou Yangodor and Mam'bo Ati-A-Sou. vévé
Agwé: Also known as Aga-ou, Agoué and Agoueh. Loa of the ocean, ships and boats, and patron of seafarers. Aspects include Agaou Comblé, Agaou-Tonnerre, Agoueh R Oyo and Agoueh-Tha Oyo. vévé
Aida-Wedo: Also known as Ayida Wedo and Ayidohwédo. Represents the sky powers and symbolized by the rainbow; wife of Damballah, she shares his function as cosmic protector and giver of blessing. vévé
Ayizan: Also known as Grande Ai-Zan and Aizan. Patroness of the marketplace. vévé
Azaca: Loa of agriculture. vévé
Baron Samedi: Also known as Baron Sanmdi and Samedi. Loa of the dead and the cemetery, of the family of Guedé.
Boli Shah: A family of loa.
Bossou Ashadeh: Loa that was in life King Tegbésou of Dahomey.
Boum'ba Maza: A family of loa.
Brigitte: Also known as Grande Brigitte, Madame Brigitte, Mademoiselle Brigitte and Manman Brijit. The female guardian of graves and loa of the cemeteries; sacred trees are the elm and weeping willow.
Captain Debas: Also known as Deebat or Debard. An American mystère.
Carrefour: Also known as Kalfu and Maître Carrefour. Keeper of the gate between the worlds; the Petro equivalent to Legba.
Damballah Wedo: Also known as Damballah, Danballah, Danbhalah and the Great Serpent. Sky-serpent loa and wise and loving father archetype; symbolized by the color white and the serpent. vévé
Dan Wédo: Loa of the King of France, also called Saint Louis.
Délai: Also known as Maîtresse Délai. Loa who walks with the hountor, or tambourine player.
Dinclinsin: Loa of European origin feared for his great severity.
Erzulie: Also known as Ezili and Maîtresse Erzulie. Ideal figure of womanhood; loa of love and beauty.vévé
Gran Maître: Also known as Gran Met. The original creator deity.
Grans Bwa: Also known as Ganga-Bois and Grand Bois. Loa of the forest. Aspects include Grand Bois Mégui. vévé
Guedé: Also known as Brav' Ghédé and Ghédé. Loa of the dead, powerful healer and protector of children.
Legba: Also known as Papa Legba and Legba Ati-bon. One of the principal and most revered of the loa, the guardian of the center-post and the opener of the gate to whom first salutation is due in any ceremony. vévé
Loco: Also known as Loko Ati-Sou and Loco Atisou. Loa of vegetation, to whom trees and the center-post are sacred. Aspects include Adahi Loko, Adan-hi Loco, Ati-Danhi Ibo Loko, Loko Adan-he-co and Papa Loco Azam'blo Guidi.
Madame Travaux: Loa also known as Mrs. Works.
Mademoiselle Charlotte: European or Caucasian loa who manifests with the personality traits of a white woman.
Maîtresse Hounon'gon: Loa that personifies the "place of sound," the chanting of the canzo.
Marassah: Also known as Marasa. The divine twins.
Marie Louise: A famous mystère of the Haitian War of Independence.
Marinette: Also known as Marinette Bois-Chèche, Marinette Bras-Chêche, Marinette Congo and Marinette Pied-Chêche. Powerful and violent principal female loa of the Petro rite.
Mavangou: A family of mystères.
Ogan-Sih-Wedo: The loa of the ogan.
Ogou: Also known as Nanchou, Ogoun and Ogu. Warrior loa associated with the color red, fire, lightning, the sword and metal-working.
Ossangne Negre Goue-sih Malor: Loa who is the father of Legba. vévé
Ou-An Ilé: The mother of the Dahomean King Tegbésou after becoming a mystère.
Reine Congo Franc: Loa of the Queen of the French Congo.
Simbi: Also known as Sim'bi and Sim'bi d'l'eau. The water-snake loa. Aspects include Sim'bi Y-An-Kitha, Sim'bi Y-An Deh-Zo, Sim'bi Y-An Pha-Ca and Sim-bi Y-An-Po-Lah. vévé
Sobo: Also known as Grande Sobo. The loa of thunder. Aspects include Sobo Quersou.
Toro Pethro: Loa that is the Petro bull.
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Last revised